Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizApril 26, 2013Animated, Animated Gif Tim Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizApril 26, 2013Animated, Animated Gif
Animated GifMike OrtizFebruary 23, 2013Echograph, Karaoke Birthday Karaoke Animated GifMike OrtizFebruary 23, 2013Echograph, Karaoke
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 29, 20123D, Animated, Animated Gif, Nishika Drunk in the 3rd Dimension Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 29, 20123D, Animated, Animated Gif, Nishika
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 12, 2012Animated Gif, Astronomy, Perseid We're Floating In Space Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 12, 2012Animated Gif, Astronomy, Perseid
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJanuary 14, 2012 It's the implication ... Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJanuary 14, 2012
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizDecember 28, 2011Animated Gif, Bowling, Chicago, Food Truck, Hawaii, Ireland, long exposure, Nishika, Olympus XA2, Portraits, Travel 2011 - Photo Retrospective Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizDecember 28, 2011Animated Gif, Bowling, Chicago, Food Truck, Hawaii, Ireland, long exposure, Nishika, Olympus XA2, Portraits, Travel
Animated GifMike OrtizSeptember 13, 2011Animated Gif, Beer, Drunk From The Archives: Drunk.gif Animated GifMike OrtizSeptember 13, 2011Animated Gif, Beer, Drunk
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizSeptember 11, 2011Glasses, Wedding Glasses Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizSeptember 11, 2011Glasses, Wedding
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 11, 2011Animated, Brett, Chicago The Mau Slide Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizAugust 11, 2011Animated, Brett, Chicago
Animated GifMike OrtizAugust 02, 2011First World Problems First World Problems Animated GifMike OrtizAugust 02, 2011First World Problems
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJuly 25, 2011Ben, Bowl Thugs N Harmony, Bowling, Photo Shoot, Shayne Bowl Thugs N' Harmony Photo Shoot Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJuly 25, 2011Ben, Bowl Thugs N Harmony, Bowling, Photo Shoot, Shayne
Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJuly 08, 2011Amanda, Animated, Ben, Brett, Jinx, Kelsey, N9000, Nishika, Otis, Shayne Nishika 3D Images Animated Gif, PhotosMike OrtizJuly 08, 2011Amanda, Animated, Ben, Brett, Jinx, Kelsey, N9000, Nishika, Otis, Shayne